P U B L I C I T Y / I N T E R V I E W S:
For publicity requests including interviews (online/blog or print) and scheduling bookstore events, please contact my publicist at Scholastic, Sheila Marie Everett (SEverett (at) scholastic (dot) com). Thanks so much for your interest in the book!
A U T H O R V I S I T S :
If you would like to schedule a Skype visit with your students or book club, please contact AuthorVisit (at) scholastic (dot) com.
If you are interested in hosting an appearance at your school, library, or conference please use this online request form or send an email to: AuthorVisit@scholastic.com with your top three dates, your school/library/conference name, location/address, details about the day including the audience size and age-level, and your contact information.
B L U R B R E Q U E S T S:
At this time, I'm only able to consider blurb requests sent to me via my agent, Suzie Townsend, or via Scholastic.
R E P R E S E N T A T I O N:
My work is represented by Suzie Townsend of New Leaf Literary. She's the one to contact for foreign and dramatic rights inquiries. She's a caped crusader in very high heels, just FYI.
A U T H O R:
If you'd like to send a letter:
Natalie Lloyd
c/o New Leaf Literary & Media
110 West 40th St., Suite 410
New York, NY 10018
This blog was designed by Allyson Kate and the custom-lettering was created by Elizabeth Hardin, of Hardink Calligraphy.